The present distribution of the invasive brown alga Sargassum muticum in the southwest Netherlands is updated . Populations of the alga were found to remain at their 1985 level in Lake Grevelingen, with a small eastward expansion into the Eastern Scheldt estuary . A new population for the brackish, non-tidal Lake Veere is reported . Within Lake Grevelingen S . muticum forms a persistent, extensive canopy of 100% cover (4,442 .5 ± 525 .6 g fresh wt m -2 ; 640 .3 ± 75 .8 g dry wt m -2) that has a marked effect upon the penetration of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (reduced by 97 % at 0 .1 m) . Surface sea water temperatures can be elevated by 2 .7 °C above water not associated with a Sargassum canopy ; furthermore, the dense canopy shades and hence reduces water temperatures below 0 .1 m depth. Productivity studies indicate that assimilation occurs in the upper levels of the canopy (57 .09 pg C mg dry wt -' m -2 at a mean PAR rate of 106 .7 J cm -2 h -') . Self-shading and a resultant decrease in the rate of assimilation was evident below the canopy .