By a ballean we understand a set X endowed with a family of entourages which is a base of some coarse structure on X. Given two unbounded balleans X, Y with normal product X × Y , we prove that the balleans X, Y have bounded growth and the bornology of X × Y has a linearly ordered base. A ballean (X, EX ) is defined to have bounded growth if there exists a function G assigning to each point x ∈ X a bounded subset G[x] ⊂ X so that for any bounded set B ⊂ X the union x∈B G[x] is bounded and for any entourage E ∈ EX there exists a bounded set B ⊂ X such that E[x] ⊂ G[x] for all x ∈ X \ B. We prove that the product X × Y of two balleans has bounded growth if and only if X and Y have bounded growth and the bornology of the product X × Y has a linearly ordered base. Also we prove that a ballean X has bounded growth (and the bornology of X has a linearly ordered base) if its symmetric square [X] ≤2 is normal (and the ballean X is not ultranormal). A ballean X has bounded growth and its bornology has a linearly ordered base if for some n ≥ 3 and some subgroup G ⊂ Sn the G-symmetric n-th power [X] n G of X is normal. On the other hand, we prove that for any ultranormal discrete ballean X and every n ≥ 2 the power X n is not normal but the hypersymmetric power [X] ≤n of X is normal. Also we prove that the finitary ballean of a group is normal if and only if it has bounded growth if and only if the group is countable.