Episodic memory declines with advancing age. Neuroimaging studies have associated such decline to age-related changes in general cognitive-control networks as well as to changes in process-specific encoding or retrieval networks. To assess the specific influence of aging on encoding and retrieval processes and associated brain systems, it is vital to dissociate encoding and retrieval from each other and from shared cognitive-control processes. We used multivariate partial-least-squares to analyze functional magnetic resonance imaging data from a large population-based sample (n ϭ 292, 25-80 years). The participants performed a face-name paired-associates task and an active baseline task. The analysis revealed two significant network patterns. The first reflected a process-general encoding-retrieval network that included frontoparietal cortices and posterior hippocampus. The second pattern dissociated encoding and retrieval networks. The anterior hippocampus was differentially engaged during encoding. Brain scores, representing whole-brain integrated measures of how strongly an individual recruited a brain network, were correlated with cognitive performance and chronological age. The scores from the general cognitive-control network correlated negatively with episodic memory performance and positively with age. The encoding brain scores, which strongly reflected hippocampal functioning, correlated positively with episodic memory performance and negatively with age. Univariate analyses confirmed that bilateral hippocampus showed the most pronounced activity reduction in older age, and brain structure analyses found that the activity reduction partly related to hippocampus atrophy. Collectively, these findings suggest that age-related structural brain changes underlie age-related reductions in the efficient recruitment of a process-specific encoding network, which cascades into upregulated recruitment of a general cognitive-control network.