A study has been made of the thermal hydrocracking of n-pentane and n-heptane at 10 atmosphercs pressure over the temperature range 550--7OO", with particnlar relcrence to the formation of aromatics. The n-paraffins are converted largely to gaseous products; C, and C, hydrocarbons are important internicdiatcs in the gasification and methane is found in increasing amounts with increase in tcmperature. As the temperature rises, aromatics are formed and thcrc is a concomitant dcclinc. in the amount of olefins; traces of butadiene are also found.The formation 01 aromatics during thermal hydrocracking of n-paraffins parallels the thermal aromatisation well known to occur in thermal cracking in the absence of added hydrogen. The acctylene and butadiene hypot,hoscs of aromatic formation arc considercd. Neither is considcrcd to be satisfactory in explaining tlic results and it appears more likely that a free-radical mechanism is involved.