We study equilibration of strongly coupled ions in an ultracold neutral plasma produced by photoionizing laser-cooled and trapped atoms. By varying the electron temperature, we show that electron screening modifies the equilibrium ion temperature. Even with few electrons in a Debye sphere, the screening is well described by a model using a Yukawa ion-ion potential. We also observe damped oscillations of the ion kinetic energy that are a unique feature of equilibration of a strongly coupled plasma. DOI: 10.1103 There has been significant theoretical study of the equilibration of strongly coupled plasmas [6 -12], especially in the context of plasmas produced with high-intensity lasers. In addition to generating fundamental interest, this problem challenges computational resources and techniques. Experimental results have been lacking, however, because of the fast time scales involved and limited diagnostics.Ultracold neutral plasmas [13], produced by photoionizing clouds of laser-cooled and trapped atoms, are ideal for experimental studies. The equilibration of the plasma is relatively slow ( 100 ns) due to lower plasma density. Ultracold neutral plasmas also offer a high level of control and diagnostics. By varying laser intensities and wavelengths, it is possible to accurately set the initial density and energy of the system. Optical imaging [14] provides an in situ probe of plasma properties with excellent spatial, temporal, and spectral resolution.In this Letter, we explore ion equilibration during the first microsecond after the plasma is created. The density sets the time and the energy scale for equilibration, but electron screening effects are evident. Even when the number of electrons per Debye sphere is small, the equilibration temperature of the ions agrees with a model [15] that uses a Yukawa ion-ion potential.We also observed oscillations of the ion kinetic energy. For many years, this phenomenon has been the subject of intense study through analytic calculations [7] and simulations [6,[8][9][10][11][12]] of one-component strongly coupled plasmas, but it has not previously been observed experimentally. The oscillations and their damping reflect universal dynamics of a Coulomb system with spatial correlations.Details on laser cooling, plasma formation, and imaging are given in [14,16]. The experiment starts with strontium atoms that are cooled and trapped in a magneto-optical trap (MOT). The neutral atom cloud is characterized by a temperature of about 10 mK, 2 10 8 atoms, and a Gaussian density distribution. We vary the atom density by changing the MOT parameters, or by turning the MOT off and releasing the atoms in a ballistic expansion. Up to 30% of the neutral atoms are then ionized with one photon from the cooling laser and one photon from a pulsed dye laser. The ion density distribution equals the atom distribution at the time of photoionization and is given by n i r n 0i exp ÿr 2 =2 2 , with from 0.6 to 1 mm and n 0i from 2 10 9 to 1:4 10 10 cm ÿ3 . The electron density, n e r , closely follows ...