As a sequel to the parametric study presented by us recently, where the particle motion in the compression wave ahead of the reaction front was prescribed a priori, the influence of particle dynamics based on the use of various drag laws is here investigated. The problem is essentially that of determining the transition of the process from case I of the previous study, where the particles are considered to be at rest, to case II where the particles move with the gas without slip. Solutions are obtained for dilute sprays of hydrazine and hydrocarbon particles in gaseous oxygen at NTP for the case where the relative propagation velocity of the reaction front is a constant. The results demonstrate that the particle-gas interaction constitutes a mechanism for the generation of pressure overshoot whose magnitude and duration depend on the particle size and the exact expression for the drag coefficient.
NomenclatureDimensional a = sound velocity K= constant describing the rate of decrease of the surface area of the reacting fuel particles denned by Eq. (1) m= time rate of change of mass per unit cross-sectional area p= pressure r= particle radius r= mean particle radius s= velocity of reaction front relative to gaseous oxidizer t = time J° = r 0 2 /K T= temperature u = mass velocity w = absolute reaction front velocity x = space coordinate of reaction front y= mass concentration X = gas viscosity p= density Nondimensional CD= drag coefficient CD* = specific expressions for CD defined by Eq. (5) D= P= R = r/r 0 Re= Reynolds number S = S/dgf) U= U/CLgQ W= W/dgQ X= x/(a gQ t Q ) Y=