Local protein synthesis is a ubiquitous feature of neuronal pre-and postsynaptic compartments.One sentence summary: Protein synthesis occurs in all synaptic compartments, including excitatory and inhibitory axon terminals.
Presynaptic terminals from mouse cortex and hippocampus contain translation machineryEfforts to localize molecules or cell biological events to neuronal pre-or postsynaptic compartments using fluorescence microscopy are limited by the tight association of the axonal bouton and the dendritic spine or synapse; the synaptic cleft, the only clear region of separation, is only ~ 20 nm wide. Here, in order to increase the resolving power to visualize mRNA molecules in pre-and postsynaptic compartments, we optimized fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and nascent protein detection methods for use with expansion microscopy (22) ( Fig. 1A; see Methods). We used adult mouse brain slices or rat cultured hippocampal neurons and found that expansion resulted in an enlargement of both pre-and postsynaptic compartments, with an average expansion of ~3.4 fold. This yielded a clear separation between the pre-and postsynaptic compartments. To evaluate whether ribosomes and mRNA species are present in defined presynaptic compartments, we used immunolabelling for either excitatory (vGLUT1; (23, 24) or inhibitory (vGAT; (25, 26)) nerve terminals in expanded mouse brain sections (both cortex and hippocampus) ( Fig. 1B-E) or rat cultured hippocampal neurons. We took care to identify the molecules-of-interest within individual z-sections positively labeled for excitatory or inhibitory terminals. We noted that signal detected outside of immunolabeled compartments corresponded to signal arising from nearby unlabeled cells. We detected ribosomes in a large majority (>75%) of both excitatory and inhibitory presynaptic nerve terminals, using antibodies directed against either a small (RPS11) or a large (RPL26) ribosomal protein ( Fig. 1 B-E). Next, we used FISH probes to detect 18s and 28s rRNA as well as polyadenylated mRNA (detected with a poly d(T) probe) in expanded samples ( Fig. 1B-E). Consistent with the abundance of ribosomal proteins, we detected rRNA in over 80% of both excitatory and inhibitory nerve terminals ( Fig. 1B-E). RNase treatment effectively reduced all rRNA signal. In cultured neurons, we also noted that poly(A) mRNA was abundant, as expected, in dendritic spines. In addition, we used an anti-tau antibody to label axons and detected both 18s and 28s rRNA in axonal segments. Thus, mRNAs and ribosomes were abundant in excitatory and inhibitory presynaptic nerve terminals from both mouse brain slices and rat hippocampal cultured neurons.