Periodically driven systems, or Floquet systems, exhibit many novel dynamics and interesting outof-equilibrium phases of matter. Those phases arising with the quantum systems' symmetries, such as global U (1) symmetry, can even show dynamical stability with symmetry-protection. Here we experimentally demonstrate a U (1) symmetry-protected prethermal phase, via performing a digitalanalog quantum simulation on a superconducting quantum processor. The dynamical stability of this phase is revealed by its robustness against external perturbations. We also find that the spin glass order parameter in this phase is stabilized by the interaction between the spins. Our work reveals a promising prospect in discovering emergent quantum dynamical phases with digital-analog quantum simulators.Introduction: Searching for novel phases of matter is an eternal task in the field of condensed matter. In traditional condensed matter theory, all the phases of equilibrium matter were described by Landau's symmetry-breaking theory [1] for a long time until the discovery of topological order [2, 3] broadened the range of states of matter. Recently, an evolution has happened in the field of far-from-equilibrium condensed matter [4][5][6]. The progress of driven quantum time-periodic systems, namely Floquet systems, has stimulated further interest in the search for far-from-equilibrium phases. A conventional view is that, in such a system, the information encoded on the initial state will be rapidly erased due to the inevitable thermalization induced by the continuous driving [7][8][9]. Two important mechanisms have been considered to prevent the information loss and lead to long-lived phases under the Floquet drive: The first is many-body localization (MBL), in which the eigenstate thermalization hypothesis (ETH) falis [9]; The other one is prethermalization, where the thermalization rate is exponentially small [9][10][11]. Phenomena of prethermalization have been studied in both on static systems [12][13][14][15] and Floquet systems [16][17][18][19][20], whose properties can be captured by their effective static Hamiltonian. Most of the observed non-equilibrium long-lived behaviors [11,[21][22][23][24] are considered to be in the prethermal regime, which inspires a lot of interests in the search of the novel phases [7,10,16,[25][26][27]. Prethermal phases are generally featured by a quasi-stationary state with long-lived equilibrium-like properties [7,8,11,12,[28][29][30].Typically, these phases can exist in the interacting quantum systems with various symme- * These authors contributed equally.