Prevalence and risk factors of erosive tooth wear in 3-6 year old German kindergarten children-A comparison between 2004/05 and 2014/15Tschammler, Claudia; Müller-Pflanz, Christina; Attin, Thomas; Müller, Jan; Wiegand, AnnetteAbstract: OBJECTIVES The aims of this study were (1) to investigate prevalence, severity and distribution of erosive tooth wear in German kindergarten children aged 3-6 years in 2014/15 in comparison to an earlier survey from 2004/05 and (2) 4
Clinical SignificanceThe prevalence of erosive tooth wear in kindergarten children in the city of Göttingen/Germany has increased over the past decade, but the overall severity of erosive tooth wear is low. Dietary factors were associated with the severity of erosive tooth wear in the present survey.5