“… - Not peer reviewed or peer‐review status unclear;
- any study employing any research design with a sample size of less than 10;
- reviews, letters, commentaries, editorials, meeting or conference abstracts;
- studies based on neonates (new born infants up to 28 days after birth);
- studies on conditions where intellectual disability cannot be assumed (e.g., cerebral palsy) where results not disaggregated for people with intellectual disability;
- studies on specific syndromes associated with intellectual disability with the exception of Down syndrome, which is the most common genetic cause of intellectual disability (Sherman, Allen, Bean, & Freeman, ). Less common specific syndromes such as Rett syndrome were excluded although it is evident that some research on such syndromes exists (e.g., Baikie et al., ; Schwartzman, Vítolo, Schwartzman, & Morais, );
- studies relating to medication as an intervention where use of the medication is not supported by current knowledge or constipation management guidelines (NICE, , );
- studies only presenting information on the percentage of people with intellectual disability who receive laxative medication as this is covered in an existing review (Robertson et al., );
- studies relating to encopresis (soiling);
- studies relating to Hirschsprung's disease and Down syndrome, as a meta‐analysis of 61 studies relating to incidence, outcomes and mortality already exists (Friedmacher & Puri, ).