Dry eye syndrome (DES) is a common condition causing dry eye sensation and ocular inflammation. The etiology is not fully explored, but clinical trials have demonstrated that the secretory functions of the eyelids can be compromised by microorganisms.Demodex are parasites which can also infest the follicles and glands of the lids, but their adverse effect is not equally well documented. This paper presents some unique features of the parasites and their potential implication in the ethiology of DES and other ocular conditions, obtained through a case study and histological analysis of eyelids from previous research. Twentyfour eyelashes were methodically extracted from the eyelids of a 51 year old male identified with DES. The histological sections and eyelashes were analysed with light microscopy. Thirtyeight parasites were identified. They had a length of 300-555 µm and a diameter of 30-75 µm. The histological examinations indicated that the lash follicles accommodate considerably more secretory substance (in which most parasites are embedded) than what is revealed through conventional methods of lash extraction. It is therefore legitimate to assume that a population of Demodex is arguably larger than indicated by most clinical methods. Furthermore, the tubular system inside the meibomian glands was found to have diameters that corresponded with the diameters of the parasites, which indicates that the parasites are physically capable of blocking the secretory passageways. Finally, the parasites have eight segmented, claw-shaped legs with large ranges of motion. The mechanical and immunological provocation they inflict on host tissues is arguably sufficient to cause inflammation. This paper promotes the view that when a population of Demodex reaches a critical level it has the capacity to cause secretory dysfunctions in the eyelids and may hence be implicated in the etiology of DES and other ocular inflammatory conditions. Sammendrag «Dry eye syndrome» (DES) er en hyppig forekommende tilstand som gir tørrhetsfølelse og okulaer inflammasjon. Etiologien er ikke fullstendig kartlagt, men kliniske studier har vist at mikroorganismer kan bidra til å skape dysfunksjoner i øyelokkets sekretoriske system. Demodex er parasitter som også kan infisere hårfollikler og kjertler i øyelokket, men den helsemessige betydningen av disse organismene er mindre dokumentert. Kasuset presenterer unike saertrekk ved parasitten og dens potensielle evne til å vaere involvert i etiologien til DES og andre okulaere lidelser via en kasuistikk og histologiske analyser av øyelokk fra tidligere studier. Tjuefire cilier ble metodisk epilert fra øyelokket på en 51 år gammel mann identifisert med DES. De histologiske snittene og ciliene ble analysert med lysmikroskop. Totalt 38 parasitter ble identifisert. De hadde en lengde på 300-555 µm og diameter på 30-75 µm. De histologiske analysene indikerte at folliklene i øyelokket inneholder vesentlig mer sekret (hvor flest parasitter oppholder seg) enn det som fremkommer ved bruk av tradisjone...