Background: Infection with Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is of significant public-health encumbrance in Egyptian population that afford the considerable predominance rate worldwide. This study was aimed to evaluate the correlation between the different treatment regimens on cardiac cardiovascular complication. Methods and Results: In this study, 390 patients diagnosed as HCV infection in Mansoura, Egypt were sectioned into four groups. Group A treated with ledipasvir and sofosbuvir (LED +SOF), group B received simepriver and sofosbuvir (SIM+SOF), group C treated sofosbuvir and daclatasvir (Sof+DCV) and group D received with triple combination therapy of sofosbuvir, daclatasvir and ribavirin (SOF+DCV+ RBV). The full hepatological assessment, blood analysis and clinical investigation were performed. All participants went through a cardiac assessment for detection of development of cardiovascular changes. There was significant elevation in levels of AST, ALT, serum albumin, platelet count, heamoglobin concentration and the Child classification between the studied groups. There was significant difference in the CMR results during the study especially in fourth group (SOF+DCV+RBV) group. No statistical difference regarding pericardial effusion. There was significant elevation of cardiac enzymes (Troponin, CK MB, BNP ) mostly in all groups especially in the fourth group (SOF+DCV+ RBV) with one outlier in SOF+DCV group and 3 outliers presented mainly with BNP (P value <0.001). Conclusions: DAAs are proved its efficacy in management of chronic HCV in Egyptian patients as standard of care for hepatitis C treatment. Also tested its safety on the heart with most of its applied regimens.