A total of 429 specimens belonging to 9 species of small mammals, trapped in various areas of the Czech Republic during the year 2001, were examined for antibodies against leptospires. Antibodies were found in all localities under study in 50 specimens, i.e., 11.6%, belonging to 5 species. Antibodies were most often , i.e., in 42% of positives, found in Microtus arvalis. In Apodemus spp. and Clethrionomys glareolus it was in 34.0% and 14.0% of positives, respectively. In other specimens belonging to Mus musculus and Microtus subterraneus antibodies were found only on occasion. Antibodies against L. grippotyphosa serotype were only found. Titres varied from 100 to 12 800 and most reactions in positive individuals were at lower dilutions, i.e., up to the titre of 800 in 40 cases (80%). e results proved the already known fact of dominant persistence of leptospiral foci of the grippotyphosa type in the Czech Republic.