Background: This study investigated HLA Class I in Long Term Non-progressors (LTNPs) and plasma viral load in Sexually Transmitted and Reproductive Tract Infections (STIs/RTIs) associated with Heterosexual HIV-1 transmission among serodiscordant couples in Nigeria.
Methods: A total of 271 serodiscordant and concordant couples (HIV positive and negative) were enrolled, blood samples were collected from the subjects by venipuncture. HLA class I (with specific primers), plasma viral load, CD4+ analysis was done. Endocervical/urethral swabs and early morning urine samples were collected by standard microbiological methods. These were screened by microscopy, culture, antibiogram, and biochemical tests with a view to identify aetiologic agents of co-infections with HIV.
Results: The participants' age ranged from ≥ 21- < 50years. The index whose plasma viral loads were 10,001-100,000 copies/ml had STIs/RTIs 32(60.9% p=0.059). Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli (22.1%) were isolated from the index (HIV positive subject) while 14.5% of Staphylococcus aureus and 27.2% of E coli were isolated from their partners (HIV negative subject). Staphylococcus aureus and E coli are normal flora but because the patients are Immunocompromised as a result of positivity to HIV, Staphylococcus aureus and E. coli in this context becomes opportunistic thereby, causing genital tract infections. Staphylococcus from the index showed more sensitivity to Amoxicillin/clavulanate (95.4%/90.4%) compared to the partners (55.1%/73.5%) and more resistant to Ceftazidime (81.4%) compared to the partners (68.9%). LTNPs were 28(8.51%) among the index. HLA-B alleles: B*5701 (9.2%), B*5703 (4.6%) and B*5801(12.5%) were identified for viral control at late stage of HIV infection while A*1 (4.6%), and C*0701 (29.1%) were protective alleles observed. HLA-B*0702 (33.3%), B*4201/A*2301(4.6%) respectively were susceptible alleles associated with seroconversion among LTNPs.
Conclusion: The microorganisms isolated from the index were associated with high viral loads and are independent makers to HIV-1 transmission among serodiscordant couples. Individuals associated with HLA class I alleles identified among LTNPs were those significantly associated with resistance and susceptible to HIV-1 infections.
HLA class I, HIV-1, STIs/RTIs, pLV, Heterosexual serodiscordant couples, and Nigeria.