EpidemiologíaBrotes de enfermedades transmitidas por alimentos y agua en la Región Metropolitana, Chile (2005Chile ( -2010 Viller Alerte, Sandra Cortés A., Janepsy Díaz T., Jeannette Vollaire Z., M. Eugenia Espinoza M., Verónica Solari G., Jaime Cerda L. (2005)(2006)(2007)(2008)(2009)(2010) were 32 cases per 100 inhabitants. A total of 12,196 people were affected, with an average of 5 patients per outbreak. The households (36.2%), restaurants (16.3%), supermarkets (6.3%) free fair (4.4%) have been the most important outbreak areas. The foods involved were seafood (15.4%), fi sh (15.1%), and fast food (13.5%). The etiologic agents were Salmonella spp, Shigella spp, Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Conclusions: Outbreaks foodborne diseases are frequents in the Chilean urban area, which make vulnerable a lot of people. The largest numbers happened in the households and were due to bad handling and/or inappropriate storage of the foods.