The consumer decision-making process for buying food products is based on various factors. One of these is the perceived value that the consumer acquires upon seeing a certification label, such as “Protected Designation of Origin” (PDO) and “Protected Geographical Indication” (PGI), which is an indicator of product quality and the degree of sustainability of the supply chain. The aim of the study is to identify the main factors influencing the behaviour and purchasing intentions of Italian consumers through the divulgation of a survey and the application of a statistical approach. The results were elaborated upon using a conceptual model, estimated following the partial least squares approach to structural equation modelling. As a result, the perception of quality influences purchasing decisions and food patterns, as labels play an increasing role in contemporary society, thus making quality standards relevant for the buying outcome. This research contributes to supporting studies on the importance of certifications of origin, as well as highlighting that food safety is a major determinant in the purchasing of certified food products.