Recent advances in the biology of stem cells has resulted in signifi cant interest in the development of normal epithelial cell lines from the intestinal mucosa, both to exploit the therapeutic potential of stem cells in tissue regeneration and to develop treatment models of degenerative disorders of the digestive tract. However, the diffi culty of propagating cell lines of normal intestinal epithelium has impeded research into the molecular mechanisms underlying differentiation of stem/progenitor cells into the various intestinal lineages. Several short-term organ/organoid and epithelial cell culture models have been described. There is a dearth of long-term epithelial and/or stem cell cultures of intestine. With an expanding role of stem cells in the treatment of degenerative disorders, there is a critical need for additional efforts to develop in vitro models of stem/progenitor epithelial cells of intestine. The objective of this review is to recapitulate the current status of technologies and knowledge for in vitro propagation of intestinal epithelial cells, markers of the intestinal stem cells, and gene and protein expression profi les of the intestinal cellular differentiation.