ABSTRACT:Vasculitis is the inflammation of blood vessels weather it can be arteries, veins or both. In CSVV, the vasculitic process involves just the small blood vessels within the skin, primarily postcapillary venules. The etiology and clinical features are varied but histopathology is characterized by leucocytoclasia. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The present study was done to know the spectrum of various cutaneous manifestations and etiology of leucocytoclastic vasculitis. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was carried out on patients who were clinically diagnosed as cutaneous vasculitis, attending the outpatient department of dermatology, venereology and leprosy, King George hospital, affiliated to Andhra medical college, Visakhapatnam from January 2013 to December 2013. It is a cross-sectional type of study and a total of 20 cases were studied. INCLUSION CRITERIA: All patients attending to opd, clinically diagnosed as cutaneous vasculitis irrespective of age and sex were included in study. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: Patients with thrombocytopenic purpura, disorders of coagulation and on warfarin/heparin treatment. RESULTS: Out of 20 patients enrolled in study, most common age group is in between 20-40 years, female preponderance, and most of patients, 75% presented acutely with lesions less than 6 weeks duration, 70% of patients had symptoms of burning and itching in lesions, 40% had history of low grade fever, 45% had arthralgias, 50% had gastrointestinal symptoms, 20% had history of sore throat, 10% had history of significant drug exposure within 6 weeks of onset of lesions. Majority of patients had elevated ESR (75%). 25% of patients had ASO titres positive, of which only 15% has throat swab positive for beta-hemolytic streptococci, ANA titres were positive in 5%, renal involvement in the form of albuminuria was seen in 20%, hematuria in 10%, urinary tract infection in 10% of cases, histopathology of all patients showed leucocytoclastic vasculitis. CONCLUSION: In the present study leucocytoclastic vasculitis secondary to infections is most common etiology found, so infections like sore throat and urinary tract infections should be ruled out as prompt treatment resolves vasculitis.