We study if eternal inflation is realized while satisfying the recently proposed string Swampland criteria concerning the range of scalar field excursion, |∆φ| < D · MP, and the potential gradient, |∇V | > c · V /MP, where D and c are constants of order unity, and MP is the reduced Planck mass. We find that only the eternal inflation of chaotic type is possible for c ∼ O(0.01) and 1/D ∼ O(0.01), and that the Hubble parameter during the eternal inflation is parametrically close to the Planck scale, and is in the range of 2πc H inf /MP < 1/ √ 3.[1] A. A. Starobinsky, Phys. Lett. B91, 99 (1980).[2] A. H. Guth, Phys. Rev. D23, 347 (1981).