We demonstrate that existing theories are insufficient to explain up/down asymmetries of argon X-ray emission in Alcator C-Mod Ohmic plasmas. Instead of the poloidal variation, n z / n z , being of order the inverse aspect ratio, ǫ, and scaling linearly with B tne /I 2 p , it is observed over 0.8 < r/a < 1.0 to be of order unity and exhibits a threshold behavior between 3.5 < B tne /I p < 4.0 [T10 20 m −3 /MA]. The transition from symmetric to asymmetric impurity distribution is shown to occur at densities just below those that trigger a reversal of the core toroidal rotation direction, thought to be linked to the transition between the linear and saturated Ohmic confinement regimes. A possible drive is discussed by which anomalous radial transport might sustain the impurity density asymmetry as the ratio of the perpendicular to parallel equilibration times, τ ⊥,z /τ ,z , approaches unity. This explanation requires a strong up/down asymmetry in radial flux which, while not observable on C-Mod, has been measured in TEXT and Tore Supra Ohmic plasmas.