The students in Title I schools remain the most vulnerable in our education system. Principals in these schools must be exceptional and well prepared. However, principals have been trained in a universal approach that is not sufficient for those who lead schools with high poverty rates as well as culturally and linguistically diverse learners. The purpose of this mixed-methods descriptive study was to gain insight from principals about instructional leadership in Title I schools. Thirty-two principals described their perceptions about the preparation, supports, and challenges necessary to develop instructional leadership, including cultural proficiency for Title I schools. The findings in this study highlight the complexity of the principal role with a specific focus on Title I schools. While principals reported positive experiences as well as support from their leadership preparation programs and school districts, neither was sufficient to fully prepare them to be instructional leaders in Title I schools. Recommendations include a comprehensive, cohesive district coaching and mentoring program that considers elements necessary to build well-prepared and exceptional leaders for Title I schools. v ACKNOWLEDGMENTS There are many significant people in my life to whom I would like to dedicate this dissertation, who have served as a great inspiration in my life and have allowed me to accomplish a doctoral degree. To my father, William Kleidon, I proudly dedicate this dissertation for your ongoing support of me and your blind confidence that I could do anything in this world if I work hard enough for it. You instilled this belief in me at an early age and never wavered in your support of my goals from childhood to this very day. For this I will always be very grateful, and I love you. To Alex Kleidon, my wife, the mother to our five boys, and my best friend, thank you for your love, support, and encouragement, including the numerous times you had to hear my "dissertation issues," which I know was not always easy. You have served as the greatest inspiration for me as I pursued this educational goal. Since coming into my life, you have been the motivation behind so much of what I have done and want to continue doing. Your encouragement, support, and belief in me has been the driving force behind this journey. I love you, honey! I dedicate this dissertation to Jonathon, Koby, Andrew, Branden, and Jace-my sons! When I look at you, I am amazed at the young men you are becoming and I am so thankful to have you in my life. I have always wanted to set a good example to you as a man and as a father and can only hope that I have done that. I hope that completing this chapter in my life will motivate you to reach your educational goals, to always work hard, and to believe that you can achieve anything if you put your mind and heart into it! vi Lastly, I would also like to extend this dedication to my dissertation chair, Dr. Noni M. Reis. Your professional guidance as well as your support has provided me with the confidence and to...