The ethics of sustainable natural resource management aims to create natural resource managers wisely and wisely without destroying the surrounding nature, in order to support human life on this earth so that the continuity of these natural resources can become a sustainable and mutually beneficial coexistence between natural and human resources as a user. This study aims to find out how important the application of natural resource management ethics to the environment is and how to apply the natural resource management ethics, whether it is in accordance with the ethics of natural resource management in Islam. So that later, it is hoped that the results of this research resume can be applied to the management of natural resources in the human environment. The research was carried out in the form of a descriptive study using literature and a resume from the results of research that had been done previously. The results show that ethical management of natural resources is indispensable for sustainable development. Islam has also required us as humans to protect and preserve nature for the welfare of mankind. In applying the ethics of natural resource management, several principles are needed, namely the principles of respect or respect for nature, responsibility, solidarity, compassion, and balance towards nature.