In order to entice data custodians to provide precise documentation so that data mining can continue with confidence, protecting the confidentiality of healthcare data is crucial. Association rule mining has been extensively used in the past to analyze healthcare data. The majority of applications ignore the drawbacks of specific diagnostic procedures in favor of positive association criteria. Negative association criteria may provide more useful information when bridging disparate diseases and medications than positive ones. In the case of doctors and social groups, this is particularly accurate. Data mining for medical purposes must be done with patient identities protected, especially when working with sensitive data. However, it might be attacked if this information becomes public. In order to perform data mining research, technology that modifies data (data sanitization) that reconstructs aggregate distributions has recently addressed the importance of healthcare data privacy. This study examines data sanitization in healthcare data mining using metaheuristics in order to safeguard patient privacy. Studies on SHM have looked at the uses of IoT &/or Machine Learning (ML) within the field, as well as the architecture, security, & privacy issues. However, no studies have looked into how AI and ubiquity computing technologies have affected SHM systems. The objective of this research is to identify and map the primary technical concepts within the SHM framework.