Storage and file synchronization have become increasingly important services in our everyday lives. With cloud storage providers giving users access to file space in the cloud, one might wonder how efficient these cloud storage providers are with their encryption methods. There are many different cloud storage providers and programs to set up a cloud storage solution. This paper focuses on two secure cloud storage solutions, Seafile, and NextCloud, and determines the efficiency of these cloud storage solutions’ encryption methods. By determining the efficiency of these secure cloud storage providers’ encryption methods, it can help others determine which of these providers will fit their needs. To determine efficiency, the CPU, memory, and network usage of these cloud storage solutions will be measured at idle and when files are being uploaded to them. To measure the CPU, memory, and network usage, ‘dstat’ will be used to capture their usages and record them to a CSV file. It is expected that both cloud solutions will have better performance when they have files being uploaded to them with no encryption. However, with the encryption methods of both cloud solutions being lightweight, that was not the case.