This study was undertaken to determine the association of inflammatory biomarker, oxidative stress and antioxidant capacity marker with fetal haemoglobin (HbF) level among sickle cell trait and sickle cell disease (SCD) patients in Chattisgarh. The study group consisted of 51 SCD (SS) patients with painful episode, 49 SCD (SS) patients with steady state, 50 sickle cell trait (AS) and 50 controls. Malondialdehyde (MDA), CRP, total antioxidant power (FARP), total thiol and HbF levels were quantified. We found a significant positive (p \ 0.0001) association between CRP and MDA levels and its inverse association with HbF level in SS patients. We also observed that antioxidant capacity had significantly positively (p \ 0.0001) associated with HbF level. The protective effect of HbF was found, because the increase in HbF levels resulted in decrease in lipid peroxidation and inflammation in SCD patients. A decrease in the HbF level and its antioxidant capacity has been associated with the pathogenesis of SCD. These finding may explain the high level of HbF is ameliorating oxidative stress and inflammation in SCD patients.