Abstract:We propose a weather prediction model in this article based on neural network and fuzzy inference system (NFIS-WPM), and then apply it to predict daily fuzzy precipitation given meteorological premises for testing. The model consists of two parts: the first part is the "fuzzy rule-based neural network", which simulates sequential relations among fuzzy sets using artificial neural network; and the second part is the "neural fuzzy inference system", which is based on the first part, but could learn new fuzzy rules from the previous ones according to the algorithm we proposed. NFIS-WPM (High Pro) and NFIS-WPM (Ave) are improved versions of this model. It is well known that the need for accurate weather prediction is apparent when considering the benefits. However, the excessive pursuit of accuracy in weather prediction makes some of the "accurate"
OPEN ACCESSAtmosphere 2014, 5 789 prediction results meaningless and the numerical prediction model is often complex and time-consuming. By adapting this novel model to a precipitation prediction problem, we make the predicted outcomes of precipitation more accurate and the prediction methods simpler than by using the complex numerical forecasting model that would occupy large computation resources, be time-consuming and which has a low predictive accuracy rate. Accordingly, we achieve more accurate predictive precipitation results than by using traditional artificial neural networks that have low predictive accuracy.