Wireless sensor networks (WSN) allude to gathering of spatially fragmented and committed sensors for observing and documenting various physical and climatic variables like temperature, moistness and, so on. WSN is quickly growing its work in different fields like clinical, enterprises, climate following and so on. However, the sensor nodes have restricted battery life and substitution or re-energizing of these batteries in the sensor nodes is exceptionally troublesome for the most parts. Energy effectiveness is the significant worry in the remote sensor networks as it is significant for keeping up its activity. In this paper, clustering algorithms based on sensor module energy states to strengthen the network longevity of wireless sensor networks is proposed (i.e. modified MPCT algorithm) in which cluster head determination depends on the every cluster power centroid as well as power of the sensor nodes. Correspondence between cluster leader and sink module employ a parameter distance edge for lessening energy utilization. The outcome got shows a normal increment of 60% in network lifetime compared to Low energy adaptive protocol, Energy efficient midpoint initialization algorithm (EECPK-means), Park K-means algorithm and Mobility path selection protocol.