“…Problem-based learning, according to Amin et al ( 2020), Maskur et al (2020), Ceker and Ozdamli (2016), Suprapto, et al (2017), and Thakur et al (2018, can improve various skills in students such as high order thinking skills, creative thinking skills, reasoning skills, decision-making skills, scientific skills, communication skills, self-regulated learning skills, problem-solving skills, team skills, and leadership skills. This happens because problem-based learning as one of the promising innovative technologies for the educational process (Abushkin, 2018), can require students to think creatively to find solutions to problems, direct students to take the information that has been collected within them as individuals and in groups while solving problems, make students think using scientific stages in solving problems, demanding students communicate with each other in groups when conducting discussions, demand the remainder to think and learn independently, students are presented with real problems, demand students collaborate in groups, and demand that students have leaders in their study groups.…”