The Bachelor Engineering in Industrial Design and Product Development is a multidisciplinary degree, in which a wide range of disciplines have a key role in the final projects developed by the students of fourth grade.At Universitat Politècnica de València -Campus d'Alcoi, a number of lecturers are involved in an Education Project in order to change and adapt the evaluation system of the student projects. The current model is based on developing the work with the help of a supervisor and the evaluation carried out by other three teachers, who form the panel.In the frame of the Education Project, some teachers are trying to apply new strategies to improve both the supervising process and the evaluation system of the projects.First of all, an index is provided to the students to adapt the structure of their work. Then, it is intended that a number of teachers, each one from a different specialization, supervise the progress of the students weekly. Finally, the same teachers will take part in the evaluation as examiners. All this work must be integrated in the 120 attendance hours established to develop the project, which correspond to the 12 credits ECTS.In the frame of the new teaching-learning methodologies, the aim of this Education Project is to provide a system to develop and evaluate the student final projects, taking into account the role of students, supervisors and examiners in every stage of the work.