Objectives: to analyze the psychometric properties of the ProQOL-BR instrument in hospital nursing professionals. Methods: a methodological study to validate the ProQOL-BR. Confirmatory factor analysis, assessment of local and global adjustment quality, Pearson hypothesis testing and Cronbach’s alpha internal consistency analysis were used. Results: a total of 490 professionals participated. The model presents adequate quality due to factor weights (λ≥ 0.40), acceptable overall fit quality and adequate chi-square ratio and degrees of freedom (χ2/g.1=2.51) for the parameters of CFI (0.923), GFI (0.902), TLI (0.914) and RMSEA (0.042). In terms of validity, it was shown to be adequate with CC=0.89. The internal consistency obtained by standardized Cronbach’s alpha was 0.761. Criterion validity was shown to be favorable with significant correlations (0.001). Conclusions: the instrument was validated regarding content, criteria and reliability. Three questions were removed from the original instrument, ProQOL-BR, leaving the final instrument with 25 questions.