Within the south of the Tyumen region, linden forests are represented by various phytocenoses (Tiletum urtico – diplaziosum, Tiletum diplaziosum, Tiletum pariso – caricosum, Tiletum struthiopteriosum, Tiletum athyriosum, Tiletum paeoniosum, Tiletum oxalidosum, Tiletum microcaricosum, Tiletum microherbosum, Tiletum graminosum, Tiletum gymnocarpiosum, Tiletum cirsiosum, Tiletum brachipodiosum, Tiletum lycopodiosum, Tiletum linnaeо – microcaricosum). Lime forests are distributed along the banks of the Irtysh and Tobol rivers and on the slopes of the shores of lakes of southern exposure. The bonitet of Tilia cordata Mill., the studied phytocenoses, varies from class I to V, which is determined by the degree of soil moisture, and is an edificator of phytocenoses. Unique phytocenoses with participation of Tilia cordata Mill. identified near the village of Setovo (Tobolsk district, Tyumen region). This community is relict.