New economy - an innovative economy - forms new challenges and new solutions in all spheres of human activity. A key feature of the new economic ties is their global nature.
Transport systems based on existing technologies cannot provide the necessary growth of new economic ties and the effective provision of the existing business. New transport systems based on new technologies for transporting goods and passengers in compliance with the principles of energy and financial efficiency, as well as environmental safety, create the foundation for sustainable development of countries and regions, including improving the quality of life of the population and human potential.
The rapid speed economic is been formed for nowadays commercial transportation communication. And a realization of any transport project has always tight connection and mutually conditioned with another project type energetics. So, the problem of energy efficiency and energy supply becomes a key factor of a choice of the most energy efficiency of a base system in any transport complex!
Aim: The purpose of this article is to provide an alternative solution - the Integrated transit transport system (ITTS) of the Russian Federation based on the energy save technologies of Vacuum magnetic levitation transport (VMLT).
Methods: The article discusses organizational, technical, energy efficient, logistic and economic solutions in the field of high-speed land corridors and "energy pipelines" projects, created on the basis of the latest vacuum magnetic levitation transport (VMLT) technologies.
Experimental stands used are described, an overview of practical results obtained in laboratory and production equipment, and preliminary results of VMLT prototypings based on a miniature route of rare-earth magnets and leviters based on ceramics from a high-temperature superconductor, possibilities, prospects and the first experimental results of development are presented. of the main critical elements of the WMLT technology.
The paper describes the results of using modern additive manufacturing technologies (3d printing) to create a system model, microcryogenic systems, HTSC and REM "nitrogen" temperature levels to create trace elements and system models, with the ability to scale to the current full-size model of the next generation.
Results: The presented calculations show the practical possibility of further development and implementation of this project, as well as its very high effectiveness compared to existing systems in terms of practical application, economic, manufacturing, energy efficiency and environmental safety.