The authors consider one of the most important tasks of modernization, both general and secondary vocational education, namely the comprehensive development of project forms of education in the framework of network forms of interaction of organizations of General and vocational education. The purpose of the network project training is to create conditions for self-motivated acquisition of missing knowledge by students from different sources; training skills of using the acquired knowledge to solve real cognitive and practical problems; acquisition of communication skills, work in groups; development of project skills and system thinking. The authors show that the educational project makes it possible to organize educational activities, keeping a balance between theory and practice. It stimulates the true teachings of the students themselves, and easily fits into the learning process. Within the framework of network project activity, project competence is formed as the ability and readiness of students to productive educational, research and implementation work, focus on self-education and self-improvement, integration of research and practical training activities into an inseparable whole, the transition from exclusively performing to exclusively creative, creative activity. Project competence is an interconnected complex of several components (a combination of knowledge, ability, skills, actions, experience in the field of educational research and solution of practical issues and problems of implementation).