The present study concerns the value enhancement of the microalga Haslea ostrearia. This marine diatom bears the peculiarity of synthesizing and secreting in the culture medium a blue-green pigment named`m arennine''. Anticancer research, cosmetics and aquaculture are the ®elds concerned with the utilizations of this hydrosoluble pigment. The aim of the study is to compare the pigment productivity obtained with two types of photobioreactors. In the ®rst process, cells are free and recycled in a bioreactor combined with a membrane ultra®ltration equipment (external loop). In the second system, cells are entrapped in a tubular agar gel layer in a photobioreactor of original design. The in¯uence of nitrate concentration and renewal rate is examined. Experiments, conducted on long term periods (up to 40 d) without any external contamination, revealed that marennine productivities of more than 5±7 mg 10 9 cell )1 d )1 can be reached with both bioreactors. The advantages and drawbacks of each process design are also discussed.