In 2N H2804, the anodic dissolution of titanium carbide begins at about 0.8V (SHE). Trivalent titanium ions could not be detected in the nitrogensaturated solution, although this does not rule out the possibility that Ti (III) is formed in the dissolution reaction. However, at 0.8V oxidation to Ti(IV) would readily occur. The results of potentiostatic and galvanostatic experiments indicate that the subsequent passivation of the electrode, which occurs between 1.2 and 1.7V when it is polarized potentiostatically, is due to Ti(IV) oxide. At potentials above 1.TV, oxidation to Ti(VI) occurs. During the initial dissolution of the carbide, both CO and CO2 were detected.Although titanium carbide is an important refractory material, characterized by its extreme hardness and its relative inertness, very little attention has been given to its chemical properties. The stability of the Group IV, V, and VI transition metal carbides toward acid and alkali solutions has been examined (1), but, while a patent exists (2) for an anode incorporating titanium carbide, there appear to have been no studies on the anodic behavior of this material. It was felt that one point of interest in such a study would be to determine the nature of products arising from the bonded carbon. Thus Ervin et al.(3), in describing the use of titanium carbide anodes for the extraction of titanium metal in molten salt electrolysis, state that the carbide behaves during electrolysis as though it were a metal with high carbon content. From this, one might expect dissolution of titanium, leaving free carbon. On the other hand, various attempts have been made to describe the bonding in carbides (4-6), and it is more reasonable to suppose that the carbon gives rise to at least one gaseous corrosion product.It was the aim of the present study to investigate the behavior of titanium carbide anode in sulfuric acid solution, to identify the dissolution products, and to define the limit beyond which this material cannot be regarded as inert.
ExperimentalTitanium carbide was deposited onto steel disks (C, 1.4%; Cr, 1.3%) by chemical vapor deposition from a mixture of hydrogen, methane, and titanium tetrachloride vapor at high temperature (7).The nature of the deposit was confirmed by x-ray diffraction studies. Unfortunately this method cannot be used to determine the stoichiometry of the carbide, due to the high degree of scatter in the measured lattice parameter. Chemical analyses have been performed on representative samples of carbide, in order to obtain the stoichiometry. The analysis of metallic impurities was performed by spectrographic and atomic absorption methods. Determination of oxygen and nitrogen was carried out by vacuum extraction and chemical methods, respectively, and of total carbon by oxidation to CO2 which was subsequently determined by coulometric titration. Free carbon was determined by dissolving the sample in HF and HNO~, filtering the free carbon on asbestos and burning it to CO2 in a tube furnace.Compositions vary between nearly stoichiomet...