Abstract. Soil N dynamics and water content are important controls of nitrous (N20) and nitric (NO) oxide emissions from tropical soils. We used a chronosequence of one forest and six pastures to investigate how soil N availability and soil moisture content affect emissions of N20 and NO. Forest soils had high N availability and large N oxide emissions. Forest conversion to pasture decreased N availability and N oxide emissions. In the forest where N availability was high, seasonal changes in soils moisture led to higher N20 fluxes during the wet season, but higher NO fluxes during the dry season. Soil water content exerted the largest control on N20 emissions, which seemed to be determined by a threshold value of approximately 29-30%, below which N20 emissions were nearly constant and above which they increased (Figure 5a). In pastures, where low N availability constrains N20 and NO fluxes, soil water content has a minor influence on N oxide emissions.
IntroductionTropical humid forests emit large amounts of nitrous (N20) and nitric ( In well-aerated soils where nitrification is a major microbial process, the model predicts that NO emissions will be greater than N20 emissions. These conditions usually apply to soils below or close to field capacity, where WFPS is less than 50%. As soils become wetter and soils oxygen decreases, denitrification becomes more important, and the production of N20 dominates over the produc-