Bacterial group II introns encode maturase proteins required for splicing. In organelles of photosynthetic land plants, most of the group II introns have lost the reading frames for maturases. Here, we show that the plastidial maturase MatK not only interacts with its encoding intron within trnK-UUU, but also with six additional group II introns, all belonging to intron subclass IIA. Mapping analyses of RNA binding sites revealed MatK to recognize multiple regions within the trnK intron. Organellar group II introns are considered to be the ancestors of nuclear spliceosomal introns. That MatK associates with multiple intron ligands makes it an attractive model for an early trans-acting nuclear splicing activity.roup II introns are highly structured ribozymes, found in bacteria and organellar genomes of plants, fungi, protists, and some animals. They catalyze their own excision from precursor RNAs (1). In addition, bacterial group II introns are mobile genetic elements. These features, as well as structural similarities with nuclear introns, have led to the proposition that ancestors of modern group II introns have crossed kingdoms from prokaryotes to eukaryotes via eubacterial endosymbionts, and eventually evolved into nuclear introns (2). Whereas nuclear introns are removed by a large ribonucleoprotein complex called the spliceosome, each bacterial intron encodes a distinct maturase protein facilitating its splicing. The evolutionary transition from the highly specific, maturase-driven splicing toward the complex transacting spliceosomal machinery is unclear. Without any "living fossils" with a protospliceosome, a key question is how the emerging intron diversification was accompanied by a splicing machinery with the ability to act on multiple targets. At least initially, the already existing splicing factors encoded by the invading group II introns, i.e., modified maturases, may have fulfilled this task.In present day organelles, maturase genes can be found in fungal and plant mitochondria as well as in plant chloroplasts. Although mitochondria are not directly amenable to transgenic studies, there are a number of plant species, foremost tobacco, for which directed mutagenesis of chloroplast genomes is possible (3). All land plant chloroplasts with the exception of some parasitic species in the genus Cuscuta (4, 5) contain a single maturase gene called matK in the intron of the lysine tRNA-K (UUU) gene. matK is expressed at least in green tissue (6-8). Sequence and structural homologies are found to the RNA binding motif (domain X) and the reverse transcriptase domain typically found in bacterial maturases (9, 10). Both domains are involved in splicing. By contrast, domains required for the mobility of group II introns are missing in MatK.The function of matK in chloroplasts is so far unknown, but its position inside the trnK gene suggests a role for splicing the trnK precursor. Importantly, it has been suggested that other chloroplast introns are targeted by MatK as well: firstly, several chloroplast genomes o...