“…When no prediction is made in highly uncertain cases, the accuracy increases by 1-2%, but the recall (see Equation (4)) drops, especially for the biological dimers. PIACO Covariation signal, number of core residues, amino acid compositions of the interface and of core residues, amino acid pair frequency, local density index, residue propensity score and gap volume index -> RF DC [16] https://github.com/yfukasawa/piaco [33] PISA Binding energy and entropy of dissociation Ponstingl et al [19] https://www.ebi.ac.uk/msd-srv/prot_int http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/pisa [17,18,20] PITA Interface area and atom-pair frequencies Ponstingl et al [19,23] https://www.ebi.ac.uk/thornton-srv/databases/pita [19,23] PRODIGY-CRYSTAL Number of residue contacts grouped by their character, number of residue contacts per amino acid and link density -> RF Many [27] https://haddock.science.uu.nl/services/PRODIGY-CRYSTAL [36,37] RPAIAnalyst Co-evolutionary and conservation scores, residue pair frequency, Voronoi cell volume, secondary structure, core-rim, B-factor and hot spots -> RF DC [16] http://liulab.hzau.edu.cn/RPAIAnalyst [38] Luo et al Core-surface and core-interface scores, residue propensity, core area, non-polar area and fully buried atoms fractions, gap volume and local density indices, number of hot spots, interface area ratio, amino acid and secondary structure compositions and propensities of interface residues, core residues and hot spots -> RF DC [16] http://cic.scu.edu.cn/bioinformatics/bio-cry.zip [40] NOXclass Interface area, ratio of interface area to protein surface area and amino acid composition of the interface -> SVM Zhu et al [22] http://noxclass.bioinf.mpiinf.mpg.de [22] PreBI and COMP Interface area and shape, hydrophobicity andelectrostatic potential 2.3.9. Valdar and Thornton (2001) Valdar and Thornton [43] were among the first to investigate the role of size and conservation in classifying interfaces.…”