& Key message Inter-specific interactions with eucalypts in mixed plantations increased N 2 fixation rate of acacia trees compared to monocultures. N 2 fixation was higher during the wet summer than during the dry winter both in acacia monocultures and in mixed plantations. & Context Introducing N-fixing trees in fast-growing tropical plantations may contribute to reducing the long-term requirements of N fertilizers. Management practices established in forest monocultures should be revisited in mixed-species plantations. & Aims This field experiment aimed to compare N 2 fixation rates of Acacia mangium Wild in monospecific stands and in mixedspecies stands with Eucalyptus grandis W. Hill ex Maiden. A secondary objective was to gain insight into the seasonal variations of N 2 fixation. & Methods 15 N was applied to acacia and eucalypt monocultures and mixed-species with a 1:1 ratio at mid rotation. Leaves were collected in autumn, winter, spring, and summer to determine the foliar N concentrations and 15 N atom fraction.