Rooting of stems and root cuttings of Rubus fruticosus using IBAThe objective of the present work was to evaluate the rizogenic potential for stems and root cuttings of Rubus fruticosus treated with indolbutyric acid. Roots and stems cuttings of this specie were collected in March, and had their basal portions treated with different concentrations of indolbutyric acid (IBA) (1000, 2000, 3000 and 4000 mg L -1 ) for 10 seconds. The control treatment used only water. The stem cuttings were planted with 2/3 of their length in the vertical position and the root cuttings were totally covered in the horizontal position, using vermiculite as substrate, in screenhouse with 50% of shade. After 60 days, the stem cuttings presented better results for seedling formation, without IBA. (AIB, 1000(AIB, , 2000, 3000 e 4000 mg L -1 ) por 10 segundos. O tratamento controle foi baseado somente no uso da água. As estacas caulinares foram enterradas a 2/3 de seu comprimento, em posição vertical, e as radiculares foram totalmente enterradas, na horizontal, utilizando-se a vermiculita® como substrato, em telado com sombreamento de 50%. Após 60 dias, pôde-se concluir que as estacas caulinares apresentaram melhores resultados para formação das mudas, não se devendo tratá-las com AIB.