Forty-four protocols of doubled haploid production (DH) are presented in this Manual. They are related to at least 33 plant species, not counting protocols on production of DH from interspecific hybrids. The protocols provide procedures for production of DH in such major crops as wheat, maize, barley, rapeseed or potato and also in other crop species where this technology is more advanced, or in other words, where a relatively high frequency of doubled haploids was obtained. However, there have been several approaches to develop doubled haploids in many crops or plant species. We are presenting below the list of publications related to DH production in 226 additional plant species. This list does not include protocols of plant species published in Chapter 2 of this Manual. This means that efforts have been undertaken to develop doubled haploids in more than 250 plant species as the presented list was built on the basis of our own collection of related publications and as a result of searching in publicly available databases. It was impossible to cite all published information. We limited references to those which carried protocols or more recent information on DH production. In the cited papers, presented protocols did not always lead to the regeneration of haploid or doubled haploid plants. However, even negative results can be very helpful for someone who is initiating this work. We hope that publication of this list will help in further application of DH technology in crop improvement and basic research.