A b s t r a c tThe capability of the biosurfactantproducing strain Rhodococcus wratislawiensis BN38 to mineralize both aromatic and aliphatic xeno biotics was proved. During semicontinuous cultivation 11 g/l phenol was completely degraded within 22 cycles by Rhodococcus free cells. Immobilization in a cryogel matrix was performed for the first time to enhance the biodegradation at multiple use. A stable simultaneous hydrocarbon biodegradation was achieved until the total depletion of 20 g/l phenol and 20 g/l nhexadecane (40 cycles). The alkanotrophic strain R. wratislawiensis BN38 preferably degraded hexadecane rather than phenol. SEM revealed well preserved cells entrapped in the heterogeneous supermacroporous structure of the cryogel which allowed unhindered mass transfer of xenobiotics. The immobilized strain can be used in real conditions for the treatment of contaminated industrial waste water.
288of materials due to their unique heterogeneous open porous structure, which significantly increases the equilibrium sorption properties and allows unhindered diffusion of solutes, nanoparticles and microparticles. Usually, cryogels possess spongylike structure of huge pores (50-200 µm) containing free water surrounded by thin walls and, therefore, they are often used for immo bilization of enzymes and cells by entrapment inside the channels of interconnected pores (Lozinsky et al., 2003).Many bacterial strains have been isolated with the abilities to degrade nhexadecane and phenol sepa rately, which are often used to represent the aliphatic and aromatic pollutant (Yordanova et al., 2009; Abdel Megeed et al., 2010;Tambekar et al., 2012). However, few strains have been reported to have the dual abilities (Sun et al., 2012).This paper aims to report the first study on simul taneous biodegradation of nhexadecane and phenol by Rhodococcus wratislawiensis BN38 immobilized in hydroxypropylcellulose/poly (Nisopropylacrylamide) cryogel matrix.
Materials and MethodsMicroorganism, media and cultivation. The R. wrati slawiensis BN38, employed in this study was isolated from soil polluted with hydrocarbons by a standard enrichment technique (Tuleva et al., 2008 O, 0.2 and phenol and nhexadecane at 500 mg/l, unless otherwise mentioned, was used. The pH of the medium was adjusted to 7.0. The MSM was solidified as MSM phenol agar by addition of 1.8% agar when necessary. Cultures grown on MSM agar supplemented with 500 mg/l phenol were used to inoculate 500 ml Erlenmeyer flasks, containing 100 ml liquid MSM. At each cycle MSM was supplemented to 100 ml with fresh sterile medium without cell transfer and only phenol was added. Cultures were incubated during the longterm semicontinuous biodegradation processes while shaking (120 rpm) at 29°C. Inocula with cell density (OD 610 nm) of 0.4 were employed in the processes of biodegradation. The pH values were 6.7-6.8 all the time, due to the buffering activity of the nutrient medium used.Bacterial growth was assessed by determination of the optical density (OD 610 nm) of t...