CILEČEK, M., BARÁNEK, V., VÍTEK, T., KOPP, R., MAREŠ, J.: Production eff ect of diff erent commercial feeds on juvenile tench (Tinca tinca L.) under the intensive rearing conditions. Acta univ. agric. et silvic. Mendel. Brun., 2011, LIX, No. 6, pp. 93-98 Feeding experiment with juvenile tench was focused on evaluation of production eff ect of three diff erent commercial feeds with diff erentiated level energy and protein (Karpico Crumble Excellent Ex, Dan Ex 1352, Pro Aqua Brutfutter). In the 42-day experiment at 26 °C, commercial starters were fed intensively to tench of initially 18.92 mm mean total length and 69.41 mg individual mean body weight. Main monitored indices were -survival rate (%), individual body weight (mg) and specifi c weight growth rate (%.d −1 ). The best result was achieved with commercial starter Pro Aqua Brutfutter -mean individual body weight 483.38 mg, specifi c weight growth 4.44 %.d −1 and survival 99.1 %. Increasing level energy and protein increased production parameters of juvenile fi sh. starter's feed, feeding, juvenile tench, fi sh breeding, Artemia salina nauplii The tench (Tinca tinca L.) is species of great interest in Europe aquaculture. In the Czech Republic tench is traditionally reared in the fi shponds since the 11 th