An attempt was made to prepare a composite biodegradable cup using corn starch, whey protein, carboxymethyl cellulose and glycerol. For biodegradable cup formation, corn starch (5-7%), WPC-35 (1.5-3%), CMC (0.5-2%) and glycerol (2-4%) range was selected. To decide upon temperature at which the cup forming solution attains final viscosity, samples were tested under rapid visco analyser to conclude that layering was enabled at 50oC. Based on observations three best biodegradable cups combinations were selected Sample A (corn starch 7%, WPC-35 3%, Cellulose 2%, glycerol 2.5%); Sample B (corn starch 7%, WPC-35 2%, Cellulose 2%, glycerol 2.5%); Sample C (corn starch 7%, WPC-35 3%, Cellulose 2%, glycerol 4.0%). Properties like thickness, solubility, water vapour transmission rate, viscosity, moisture, lightness were studied for three samples to select the final cup. Based on observation, Sample C's final composition was selected as corn starch 7%, WPC-35 3%, cellulose 2%, glycerol 4.0%. The value for thickness, solubility, WVTR, moisture and lightness was observed as 0.5±0.025mm, 48.50±0.66%, 1.14±0.086g/m2/hr, 7.74±0.16%, 41.96±1.86 respectively. The lower diameter of the cup was observed as 5.5cm, upper diameter 7.5cm and height of cup was observed as 4.0 cm with the capacity of the final cup as 55.5ml/47.1gm.