Before spreading the new cultivar "Sukai Golden" which is resistant to Barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV) strains I, II and III, occurrence of BaYMV strains in Tochigi prefecture was investigated. Strain I and III were being spread in the northern and southern areas of Tochigi prefecture, respectively. Showing that the resistance of currently cultivated cultivars was inadequate to prevent BaYMV. In addition, Ootawara strain, pathogenicity different from the existing strains, and damage BaYMV resistance gene rym3 was found in Ootawara-city. We examined their pathogenicity to different to barley cultivars, analyzed their homology using nucleotide and amino acid sequences, and performed molecular phylogenetic analyses. The results showed that Ootawara and Yamaguchi strains were distantly related to the three strains, and classifi ed as strain IV and V, respectively. Strains IV and V were distinguishable by using test cultivar "Hayakiso 2" or using "Urakoukawamugi 3" and "Sangatsu". "Sukai Golden" and "Mokusekko 3" show resistance to all strains, I to V, meaning that these are useful for breeding virus-resistant cultivars, and accumulating resistance genes, rym1, rym3 and rym5, are important for future malting barley breeding programs.