Many important industrial processes
rely on heterogeneous catalytic
systems. However, given all possible catalysts and conditions of interest,
it is impractical to optimize most systems experimentally. Automatically
generated microkinetic models can be used to efficiently consider
many catalysts and conditions. However, these microkinetic models
require accurate estimation of many thermochemical and kinetic parameters.
Manually calculating these parameters is tedious and error prone,
involving many interconnected computations. We present Pynta, a workflow
software for automating the calculation of surface and gas–surface
reactions. Pynta takes the reactants, products, and atom maps for
the reactions of interest, generates sets of initial guesses for all
species and saddle points, runs all optimizations, frequency, and
IRC calculations, and computes the associated thermochemistry and
rate coefficients. It is able to consider all unique adsorption configurations
for both adsorbates and saddle points, allowing it to handle high
index surfaces and bidentate species. Pynta implements a new saddle
point guess generation method called harmonically forced saddle point
searching (HFSP). HFSP defines harmonic potentials based on the optimized
adsorbate geometries and which bonds are breaking and forming that
allow initial placements to be optimized using the GFN1-xTB semiempirical
method to create reliable saddle point guesses. This method is reaction
class agnostic and fast, allowing Pynta to consider all possible adsorbate
site placements efficiently. We demonstrate Pynta on 11 diverse reactions
involving monodenate, bidentate, and gas-phase species, many distinct
reaction classes, and both a low and a high index facet of Cu. Our
results suggest that it is very important to consider reactions between
adsorbates adsorbed in all unique configurations for interadsorbate
group transfers and reactions on high index surfaces.