The role of the distal histidine in regulating ligand binding to adult human hemoglobin (HbA) was re-examined systematically by preparing His(E7) to Gly, Ala, Leu, Gln, Phe, and Trp mutants of both Hb subunits. Rate constants for O 2 , CO, and NO binding were measured using rapid mixing and laser photolysis experiments designed to minimize autoxidation of the unstable apolar E7 mutants. Replacing His(E7) with Gly, Ala, Leu, or Phe causes 20 -500-fold increases in the rates of O 2 dissociation from either Hb subunit, demonstrating unambiguously that the native His(E7) imidazole side chain forms a strong hydrogen bond with bound O 2 in both the ␣ and  chains (⌬G His(E7)H-bond ≈ ؊8 kJ/mol). As the size of the E7 amino acid is increased from Gly to Phe, decreases in k O2 , In 1970, Perutz (1) proposed that the distal histidines located at the E7 helical positions, 3 ␣His-58 and His-63, play crucial structural roles for regulating both the affinities and rates of O 2 binding to adult human hemoglobin (HbA). 4 These ideas were based on the suggestion by Pauling (2) that His(E7) could stabilize bound O 2 by donating a hydrogen bond to the partial negative charge on the superoxide-Fe(III)-like FeO 2 complex and on the idea by Perutz and Mathews (3) that the distal histidine could also be acting as gate for ligand entry and exit. Studies of model heme compounds and naturally occurring globins with His(E7) replacements suggested strongly that the distal histidine also plays a key role in discrimination between O 2 and CO binding (4 -9).The first mutagenesis studies on sperm whale Mb and human HbA reported that His(E7) to Gly mutations in ␣ subunits and Mb cause marked increases in the rates of O 2 dissociation and significant decreases in affinity, both of which indicate strong stabilization of the FeO 2 complex by proton donation from the wild-type His(E7) side chain (7, 10, 11). In addition, the association rate constants for O 2 and CO binding increased 5-10-fold. The latter results were interpreted in terms of the distal histidine gate mechanism, with the His(E7) to Gly mutation resulting in an open E7 channel. In contrast, neither the dissociation nor association rate constants for O 2 binding to the R state Gly(E7) mutant of HbA appeared to increase significantly, implying no electrostatic stabilization of bound ligands by the native His(E7) in  subunits and an already open gate or alternative pathway. These surprising kinetic results were explained by the first high resolution structure of human oxyhemoglobin published by Shaanan (12), in which the N⑀H atoms of distal histidine in  subunits seemed to be further away from the bound O 2 atoms and pointing toward the heme plane.Between 1989 and 1999, our group and others constructed large libraries of mammalian Mb mutants as a model system for understanding the structural mechanisms of ligand binding to vertebrate globins involved in O 2 transport and storage. A detailed molecular mechanism for O 2 binding has emerged. Ligand entry into myoglobin occurs through t...