IntroductionOdontogenic cysts in human beings are not uncommon. There are many types displaying various biologic behaviors, but little is known about their histopathogenesis. It is generally considered that each of the odontogenic cysts is derived from one of the following epithelial sources: 1) enamel organ, 2) reduced enamel epithelium of a tooth crown, 3) epithelial rests of Malassez and remnants of the sheath of Hertwig, 4) remnants of the dental lamina, or 5) basal cells of oral mucosa (1, 2). However, the exact relationship between these epithelia and various types of cysts is unknown, and experimental studies in this field have been limited. In order to investigate whether enamel organ is one of the sources of odontogenic cysts, and which type of odontogenic cyst is closely connected with it, we performed the following animal experiment.
Materials and MethodsC3H/HeN mice were used. They were given mixing solid food and sterile drinking water . Two-month-old mice of both sexes mated at 9 o'clock at night and before 9 o'clock the next morning . The mice which had vaginal plugs were recognized as becoming pregnant after 0.5 day.And on day 17.5, the tooth germs of the embryos were in the bell stage , in which a specialization of cells of the enamel organ itself occur, resulting in the establishment of four distinct epithelial layers: external enamel epithelium, stellate reticulum, stratum intermedium, and internal enamel epithelium. The 17.5-day embryos were removed from pregnant females and placed in 2% bovine serum in Hanks solution. Under a dissecting microscope, the first mandibular molar tooth germs of these embryos were dissected from the surrounding connective tissues, dental lamina and oral epithelium . The tooth germs which were just in the bell stage, had only components of enamel organ, dental papilla and dental follicle, and not other tissues, such as dental lamina and oral epithelium (Fig. 1). Three-month-old syngenic male mice were anaesthetized by the intraperitioneal injection of pentobarbital sodium ( Sommonpentyl ) , and 32 dental germs were transplanted under the left renal subcapsular spaces of the mice at the rate of one graft per capita. The grafts were harvested 1, 2, 3, 4 weeks and 2, 3, 4, 5 months after transplantation. For histological examination, the grafts were fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and demineralized in 5% formic acid at 4 for 12 hours. Routinely the paraffin-embedded specimens were serially sectioned 4 µm thick and stained with hematoxylin-eosin.For determining the relationship between duration of transplantation and formation of experimental odontogenic cysts, pearson chi-squared test (χ 2 test) was applied.
1) Histopathological Findings(1) One-week group At 1 week after transplantation, small amounts of dentin and enamel appeared in the bell stage , tooth germs and stellate cells of enamel organs were still abundant. External enamel epithelium proliferated partially and the serial sections showed that these proliferations were sticking out of the ename...