A variant enterotoxin gene, referred to as sezA+, has been identified. Staphylococcus aureus FRI1106, a staphylococcal enterotoxin type D producer (Sed+), contained Hindlll fragments of 3.8 and 9.4 kilobase pairs (kbp) that hybridized in Southern blot analysis to a probe containing only staphylococcal enterotoxin type A structural gene sequences. Presumably, probe A-624 hybridized to the 9.4-kbp HindIll fragment because of the sequence homology between sea+ and sed+. This 9.4-kbp HindIII fragment, which was part of a staphylococcal plasmid, was isolated and ligated into an Escherichia coli plasmid vector; Sed+ E. coli recombinant clones were isolated. The 3.8-kbp HindUl fragment was shown to be part of a viable lysogenic bacteriophage, and it contained sezA+. This sezA4-containing fragment was cloned into E. coli, and its DNA sequence was determined. Examination of the nucleotide sequence revealed a 771-bp region that contained an open reading frame with 85 and 77% nucleotide and derived amino acid sequence identities with sea' and staphylococcal enterotoxin type A, respectively. This open reading frame has 83 to 50% nucleotide sequence identities with the other types of staphylococcal enterotoxin genes. sezA+ was shown to be transcribed into stable mRNA.However, the sezA' mRNA was not translated into an enterotoxinlike protein because it lacks an appropriate translation initiation codon. 1614 on August 3, 2020 by guest http://iai.asm.org/ Downloaded from