Measurements were made of 22Na, 26Al, 54Mn, and 60Co produced by cosmic rays in five samples of the Allende C3 meteorite and in one specimen of Murchison (C2); 46Sc, 48V, 51Cr and 57Co were also measured in several of these samples. Comparison of observed Allende 60Co activities with calculated neutron‐capture production rates yields a depth scale for Allende that appears unambiguous to about 30‐cm depth. Using this scale, the production of 26Al is constant (±10%) to a depth in excess of 30 cm, 22Na activity increases ∼30% from near the surface of Allende to 20‐ to 30‐cm depth, and 54Mn production increases ∼50% over the same depth range. The 46Sc/54Mn activity ratio is constant at 0.059 ± 0.005 from 8 to 20 cm. Murchison's 26Al activity yields a cosmic‐ray‐exposure age of 1.5 × 106 years.